iStripper Workshop
iStripper Workshop
Here you can find few interesting things related to iStripper. If you don't know what it is, you should catch up ASAP (click here to get more info). All stuff available here has been made by me - one of many fans. If you like what you see here, give me a thumb.
Oh, wait... there are no any thumbs here... Doesn't matter, just have fun and share it with others ;).
What's new?
Due to recent changes on the iStripper server, the Preview Downloader (script for downloading free previews) and Bonus Downloader (script for downloading bonus photos and videos) have stopped working. Over the past two weeks, users of these two tools may have noticed that no files are being downloaded. This issue has been fixed in the latest versions of both tools. Therefore, I encourage you to download new versions from the following sections:
A new skin for iStripper has just appeared in the Creations / Custom Skins section. This time, let's welcome Freya Mayer as Starlight, one of the main characters of the series "The Boys" (2019). This skin is available in three resolutions: 1280x800, 1600x900 and 1920x1080 px.
Recently, a new skin hit the Creations / Custom Skins section with Nikki Hill as Baby Doll, the main character of the "Sucker Punch" movie (2011). The skin is available in three resolutions: 1280x800, 1600x900 and 1920x1080 px.