1. Before installation you should close iStripper.
2. If you haven't downloaded translation yet, you can find it in Translations menu. Translation is available as ZIP archive. Save the file to your hard drive and open it. You should see the contents of ZIP file:
As you can see, there are several PDF files and one folder named pl. These PDF files are just instructions in english and polish language. They contain exactly the same instructions you are reading now. Navigate to the pl folder to view its content. Here you can find the most important files.
3. Extract all files from pl folder to this location:
where X is the letter of the hard drive and install_path is the folder where iStripper is installed. Default path is:
Now you can close ZIP archive - it isn't useful anymore. Folder translations should contain the following files:
4. Run set_polish_language.reg file by double-clicking on it with left mouse button. A warning will be displayed. It will contain a message about adding information to the registry. When asked would you like to continue? answer Yes. A message will appear confirming entry of information into the registry. Confirm by clicking OK. Done. You can now run iStripper.
5. If for some reason you want to return to the original English language, use the file set_english_language.reg. Run the file by double-clicking it, and then follow the same steps as in step 4.